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Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian and modelled by Call Me Umamii

Reflecting on My 'Quarantine Jungle' Lockdown Installation: A Sustainable Tale of Colourful Creativity

 Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian and modelled by Call Me Umamii

During the initial week of the lockdown announcement in March 2020, my world suddenly shrank to the confines of my room. Unable to access my studio, I yearned for a creative outlet that could be crafted with minimal tools and inexpensive materials. That's when I embarked on a remarkable journey, and little did I know that it would lead to the birth of my 'Quarantine Jungle' installation – a collection of intricate tropical-like flowers made from locally collected and upcycled plastic bottles, unlike any other bottle flowers I had seen before.

    Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian and modelled by Call Me Umamii


Pouring my heart into each flower, I spent around one day perfecting the intricate details of each piece. The process was both meditative and exhilarating, offering solace amidst the chaos of the pandemic. As the days turned into weeks, I found myself immersed in the creative process, and by late June 2020, I had created around thirty exceptional plastic bottle flowers, each exuding its vibrant charm.

'Quarantine Jungle' quickly evolved into an awe-inspiring installation, captivating audiences across galleries, public spaces, and venues. My sustainable design got the attention of Swiss artist and musician Livia Rita, who incorporated my colourful designs as set decor in both her music videos and live performances in Swizerland, infusing her art with eco-friendly elegance. Drag performer call me UMAMII chose to adorn his jacket and set backdrop with my exquisite flowers during a photoshoot, showcasing the diverse impact of this eco-conscious artwork. 

Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian and modelled by Call Me Umamii  Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian and modelled by Call Me Umamii Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian and modelled by Call Me Umamii

 However, my installation meant much more to me than just its aesthetic appeal and recognition. Amid the isolation and the absence of human connection, it became my refuge, offering me mental peace and joy through the discovery of a newfound skill. As my 'Quarantine Jungle' blossomed, so did my sense of purpose and resilience.

Now, as I look back on this extraordinary journey, I feel a strong desire to share my passion and experiences with others. I want to use 'Quarantine Jungle' as a medium to foster human connection, the one thing I lacked during those trying times. Art has the power to transcend boundaries, and I hope that my installation can bring joy and inspiration to others, helping them discover their creative potential.

As I continue my artistic journey, I keep a few of my favourite pieces from the collection as a constant source of inspiration. They serve as a reminder that beauty can be found in the most unexpected places, transforming discarded materials into works of art that tell meaningful stories.

The story of 'Quarantine Jungle' is a testament to the strength of creativity and sustainability from the confines of my tiny London room.

This vibrant garden of upcycled plastic bottle flowers emerged which not only brought me mental peace but also connected me with fellow artists and individuals from different walks of life. As I share my journey with the world, I hope 'Quarantine Jungle' stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us all that art has the power to inspire, heal, and unite us in times of uncertainty.

Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian March 2020 Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian March 2020 Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian March 2020
Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian March 2020 Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian March 2020
Quarantine Jungle 2020  Quarantine Jungle Upcycled Plastic Flowers by Sian Dorman PLASTIQUE By Sian March 2020 Quarantine Jungle 2020
 Livia Rita - Just Happier, Switzerland, Flower set backdrop and flower headpieces by PLASTIQUE By Sian Livia Rita Just Happier Music Video using Set by Sian Dorman